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Key Stage 1 & 2 - Primary

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Primary School Educational Talks

Expand your class' knowledge by complementing your visit with a one hour curriculum-linked educational session, presented in our themed education rooms.

Available for groups of 25 or more students and specifically designed for KS1 & 2. If you would like a specific topic covered, please contact the education team via email at

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Browse our KS1 & KS2 talks...

  • Come and explore everything “Bean to Bar” with our curriculum-linked talk, presented in our education rooms by our dedicated team.
  • Enjoy handling real cacao pods and smelling roasted cocoa beans whilst discovering the ingredients used to make chocolate and learn where they originate from around the world. 
  • Follow the cocoa bean on its journey through history, from first being used as both currency and as a bitter drink enjoyed by both the Maya and the Aztecs, to ultimately being enjoyed around the world today as a popular treat.
  • Selected students have the chance to dress up as real Cadbury Chocolate Makers as the class explores how the Cadbury factory manufactures some of its most popular products.
  • Watch exclusive video footage from inside the factory and look and feel the chocolate moulds we use to give students an insight into how Cadbury creatively makes chocolate bars in different shapes and sizes.
  • Discuss the role of Cocoa Life and Fairtrade and why this is important to us today whilst also examining the role of packaging and advertising in the chocolate industry.  Be sure to drum along with our gorilla as we reflect on some of the iconic Cadbury advertisements of the past!

  • Bring your topic to life with our curriculum-linked talk, presented in our education rooms by our dedicated team.  We will introduce the great city of Chichen Itza and its most famous landmarks and delve into the Maya theory of creation and other myths and legends. 
  • See our real cacao pods and smell the cocoa beans that were so valuable to the Maya in c. AD 900, along with the wooden whisk they used to make their favourite chocolate drink.  Selected students will even have the chance to dress up in traditional Maya clothes!
  • We find out if the Maya played the first team sport in human history, connecting and contrasting their lives to ours today.  Explore la Dia de los Muertos, their amazing ancient Codices, their numerous Gods and much, much more!

  • Delve into the Aztec empire with our curriculum-linked talk, presented in our education rooms by our dedicated team.  We will introduce the daily life of the Aztecs with the help of lots of different props to enhance the experience.
  • Discover some of the unusual beliefs of the Aztecs such as the story behind the location of their impressive capital city.
  • See real cacao pods and smell the roasted cocoa beans that were used by the Aztecs to make their bitter drink that was so valuable to their society.
  • Selected students will have the chance to dress up as the powerful leader, Montezuma, whilst the class learns about his rise and fall from power.  Learn how cocoa beans were used as currency and see if you can accurately guess the value of various objects – 1, 2 or 100 cocoa beans?

  • Go back in time with our curriculum-linked talk, presented in our themed education rooms by our dedicated team. We will introduce the Victorian era with a case study of George Cadbury as our famous Victorian.
  • We explore the daily lives of Victorian children from Victorian schools to Victorian labour. We compare the dream of the “Factory in the Garden” in Bournville to the reality of inner-city Back-to-Back houses and explore the role that the Cadbury Brothers, George and Richard, played in changing the lives of those living in Birmingham.
  • See and hold real cacao pods as students discover the ingredients used to make chocolate and compare how this was done in Victorian England to how this is done today.
  • Selected students will have the chance to dress as Victorian chocolate makers and possibly even John Cadbury himself! Compare and contrast Victorian chocolate moulds to those used today and experience what it was like to be a “Cadbury Angel”

  • Explore the significance of the rainforest with our curriculum-linked talk, presented in our themed education rooms by our dedicated team.
  • Students will discover where cocoa beans come from, applying geographical key terms to understand their location on a global map and the conditions required for them to grow and thrive. See and hold real cacao pods and smell the roasted cocoa beans whilst discussing the importance of the rainforest.
  • Delve deeper into each layer of the rainforest, learning more of the plants and animals that thrive there using exclusive video footage and photo resources to enhance the experience. 
  • Your talk also includes featured footage of a cocoa bean’s journey from its origin in the rainforest to the Cadbury factory where it ultimately is used to create some of our favourite chocolate bars. Touch upon Fairtrade and Cocoa Life to support the importance of protecting the rainforest and how best to farm our beloved cocoa beans to ensure they are available for generations to come.

Investigate all things chocolate with our curriculum-linked talk, presented in our education rooms by our dedicated team.

Discuss the different reasons behind the designs of some popular Cadbury chocolate bars and see how the design of the bar is linked to the wrapper and the advert. See real-life Cadbury chocolate moulds used in the Bournville Cadbury factory!

See and hold our real cacao pods, smell the roasted cocoa beans and handle the moulds we use in the factory. Selected students will be invited to dress as Cadbury Chocolate Makers should the class fancy doing so! Watch exclusive video footage from inside the factory giving students an insight into how Cadbury creatively makes chocolate bars in different shapes, sizes and flavours.

Look at examples of different wrappers from Cadbury past and present and discuss how these have changed over time. Delve into the importance of sustainability and recyclability whilst ensuring that the integrity of the product itself is not jeopardised. Students will find out how fast the flow wrap machines can wrap the chocolate bars and just how many million bars we make at our Bournville factory each and every day!

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